The Museum of Troy History will begin opening on weekends from 1pm to 5pm beginning
June 20, 2020. Normally the museum yearly on April 1 st , but pandemic health precautions
postponed opening day in 2020.
The delayed opening has allowed for improvements to our permanent and temporary
displays. A scale model of the Public Square in Troy, created by Gail Stickelman, is now on
display. This wonderful model is not to be missed and is of interest to children and adults. Also
on display are artifacts from the practice of medicine in Troy from the late 1800’s to the late
1900’s. Many of the artifacts are from the practice of Dr. Roy Wolcott, MD, Dr. Paul Foy, MD,
and other practitioners.
The permanent displays include a parlor, foyer, and bedroom that are furnished in the
Victorian period. The kitchen is furnished with the latest 1920’s conveniences and the mockup
of a one room school house is furnished with equipment from Edwards, Kyle, and other Troy
Schools. The collection of Troy High School yearbooks allows visitors to search for students
from 1918 to 2018.
June 20, 2020. Normally the museum yearly on April 1 st , but pandemic health precautions
postponed opening day in 2020.
The delayed opening has allowed for improvements to our permanent and temporary
displays. A scale model of the Public Square in Troy, created by Gail Stickelman, is now on
display. This wonderful model is not to be missed and is of interest to children and adults. Also
on display are artifacts from the practice of medicine in Troy from the late 1800’s to the late
1900’s. Many of the artifacts are from the practice of Dr. Roy Wolcott, MD, Dr. Paul Foy, MD,
and other practitioners.
The permanent displays include a parlor, foyer, and bedroom that are furnished in the
Victorian period. The kitchen is furnished with the latest 1920’s conveniences and the mockup
of a one room school house is furnished with equipment from Edwards, Kyle, and other Troy
Schools. The collection of Troy High School yearbooks allows visitors to search for students
from 1918 to 2018.
Press Releases
Just announced: The Museum of Troy History will be opening on Saturday April 4, 2020
June 2020
Display of medical equipment from 1900 to 1960.
Display of medical equipment from 1900 to 1960.
July 2020
Display of antique and vintage quilts.
Display of antique and vintage quilts.
August 2020
Display of 1930s' travel brochures from J. Warren Safford.
October 4 2020 Tour of Troy Homes
December 5th and 6th Victorian Christmas open house